
Weekend Update

Well, it's another beautiful day in Dease Lake. We had about two hours of gorgeous snow that mostly resulted in mush on the ground, but for those hours our house was filled with excitement and a sense of what's to come. After surprising my mom with a visit to Chilliwack that proved my skills in lying to my mother and then causing her to burst into tears still more than adequate, I was exhausted. I came back from that amazing and restful visit to a cold house and two children desperately in need of their father. When I'm away from them, they miss me, but when David's away, they turn into freaker-outers because he is this family's compass. Our true north. Sounds cheesy, but it's a pretty accurate description, and the only one that explains how lost we all are in his absence.
I also started working this Thursday, which was honestly not something I was looking forward to. I love being home with my children, and especially since Felicity started school I have so enjoyed my mornings with Xander. That kid is freakin' hilarious, and not nearly as cranky as he gets when Felicity, his self-appointed "other mommy", is around. However, I promised I would work when we lived here because we have free, trustworthy childcare in the form of David's mom. Truthfully, she's much better at it than I am because she's not their mom, so they do crafts and eat properly and come home begging to go back. The other reason I promised to work is because you can get paid a ridiculous amount of money to do pretty much anything in this town. Gotta love Northern life. So now I'm the "new girl" at the clinic. People are so used to knowing who's answering the phones here, so the first day I got a lot of confused people trying to figure out who the heck I was. It was kind of fun. But soon they'll all know me, and when they only give me their first names and expect me to know exactly who they are and which doctor they see I'll actually be able to fulfill their expectations. Good times.
Okay, back to the snow. We woke up to a slight dusting of it on Friday morning, and being the newbie that I am I had the kids totally geared up. Snowsuits, boots, mittens, toques, the works. The funniest part is that even though they knew we had all this equipment, they'd never actually worn it all together, so they kept looking at me like I'd lost my mind. Like, "Mom, we don't actually wear this stuff, we just play with it. Sheesh". I was also freaked out I'd be late to work, so my hands wouldn't stop shaking long enough for me to properly zip and tie and button everything up so it actually took me longer than if I'd been able to settle down. I was late.
We'd heard last night that we were going to wake up to 10 cms of snow, so I was a little disappointed when there was none this morning. But by the time we actually got out of bed and ventured out into the rest of the house, it had started to snow and continued to do so until almost noon. It was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. We ate brunch and watched it fall through the trees and onto our deck. It even made our barbecue look pretty. And all the things I had pictured about living here, all the things I had seen in my mind's eye and hoped for were revived. My children playing in the snow, the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room, the reflection of the moon on the blanket of white...all things I have been wishing to see. Who knows, someday I might even see all of this as home.


Annagrace said...

Hannah--I found you again! (hope that's ok...)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see pictures of your pretty snowy landscape. You'll probably have lots of opportunity to take these pictures, but your fans are pressing you for pictures NOW NOW NOW!
and yes, it was so lovely to be surprised by you last week - you made a memory,
love Mom