
So, here we are. It's something like 36 hours before the Packing Fairies come to place all our stuff into nice neat boxes while I figure out where my head is. I had promised myself that by now I would have all my lists checked off, my clothes organized, my bathrooms clean. Considering we have guests, that last one would have been a good idea. But although none of that has been started, let alone finished, I still can't bring myself to do it. Instead, we've watched a movie, played some games, ate some yummy food, and laughed a lot. Because I won't look back on organizing and reorganizing my clothes with any sort of fondness, but I know the memories we're making right now will carry me through the days when I want to be anywhere but where I am. I'll be able to pause in the middle of a remedial task and smile, or laugh, or quite possibly - let's face it - burst into tears.

I was in London Drugs today buying things like laundry detergent and oven cleaner, so I meandered over to the toy aisle where I discovered a Disney Princess book that was all about letters and numbers and came with a CD. I thought "I'll get this for Felicity because she's going to preschool in the fall and...holy crap." Felicity is going to preschool. So, a) this is a big step for her, and b) if we weren't going to Dease Lake I don't know how we would have been able to afford preschool, and she probably wouldn't have been able to go. And suddenly, I was ready to say good-bye because of all this move means for our children. Yes, we're excited and it's an adventure and we're going to make a lot of money, but what an incredible time for our children in the ages they are at right now. And while I may not feel this way consistently for the next three days, I know that underneath all the sadness and the panic I will be able to remind myself of exactly why we are uprooting our lives, and how we will be richer in every way when we are done.


Anonymous said...

and you're off on the great adventure. Think of all those millions of women trapped in repetitive jobs, same thing day in and day out and you get to go and discover the frozen north, learn a whole new way of life, make new friends, have great babysitting, create a new business, make a ton of money - life is tough and then you die!

Anonymous said...

Hannah and David, I am so proud of you! After three years of winning them over on the Coast, making so many new friends, contributing in every way, you are off on your new adventure. They are lucky to have you up there. Can't wait to read your first impressions of Dease Lake...
Love Mom