
Who needs sleep...

when we could be watching Cinderella III? At six in the morning? Actually, we woke up at 5:20 this morning, but it us took until six to get the movie started. In the meantime we (meaning me) cleaned sheets, changed a diaper, cleaned more sheets, changed another diaper, wiped down a mattress, changed another diaper...do you see where I'm heading with this? Just when we thought Xander was over his stomach flu it's taken a nasty turn south and is trying to force his tiny little body to do things it was never meant to do. I was lucky, though, because as I was cleaning I kept thinking "this could be SO MUCH WORSE". I know what Worse looks like, and fortunately this wasn't it. I'm also very glad that not only did Mom make a new set of sheets for Xander's bed, but that they weren't on his bed when his butt exploded.
A lot of you (okay, all three of you) have asked about how I plan on working out indoors. At my job we've talked a lot about having a workout room put in for the employees and their families. After Christmas we ordered this ridiculously large treadmill which should be coming this week, and hopefully other equipment will be following soon. Because I get off work half an hour before everyone else does I'll be able to work out in the afternoons, except for on the days that David works at 4:30. David also set up a little "guy corner" downstairs where he has a TV, XBox, stereo system, and his guitar. There's even a little area rug (to give it that home-y touch), so on the days I can't exercise at work, I can do core exercises or yoga downstairs.
Again, the big hurdle in all of this is me. My laziness, my busyness, my love of all things food. The weirdest thing is that I have never really tried to lose a specific amount of weight before, so this is feeling like a larger task than it really is. If only I could get the stomach flu, that would make this all so much easier!


Anonymous said...

So Hannah, how is it going? They say it takes 6 weeks to build a habit, but I have found at about 6 weeks I think I'm a hero, and start to believe my own PR. You go girl! I've seen you when you are on a mission, and it is sight to behold.
By the way, do you notice in the picture below that Felicity and you both have the same expression on your faces?
I love them both!
love Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah,
oops, i spelt your name backwards, OH MAN I'M FUNNY! Ok but seriously, how is the work out weighloss health plan going???

Anonymous said...

that was your favorite cousin Kim by the way! although i'm sure you could probably tell by my humor!